Thursday, February 23, 2012

I survived Mardi Gras!

Hey lovelies!

Sorry for neglecting my blog lately. What can I say? Honestly, this was a more than crazy week! Mardi Gras was a marathon of parades, parties, little sleep and too much alcohol! It was absolutely impressing to see the city in an exceptional condition like this, with tons of excited people! 

“Mardi Gras was a marathon, and we ran it like Kenyans”

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mardi Gras is just around the corner!!!!

It's Mardi Gras time!!
Mardi Gras is THE biggest and most important event of the year in New Orleans. It's basically a huge carnival that reaches its climax on Fat Tuesday (Faschingsdienstag). 

During the 12 days preceding Mardi Gras, more than 60 parades and hundreds of private parties, dances and masked balls are annually scheduled. Fat Tuesday is a legal holiday in New Orleans. Everyone is wearing purple, green, and gold, those are the Mardi Gras Colors.  Mardi Gras is extremely important for NOLA’s economy: Economic impact reports indicate that Mardi Gras generates over $1 billion in annual spending. Mardi Gras parade krewes are private non-profit organizations whose members get together year round to plan their parade's theme, costumes, and unique throws.

When I told people last semester that I’m going to leave in January (before I knew that I could stay longer) everyone was like “ Noo you’re gonna miss Mardi Gras!” I couldn’t hear that sentence anymore! So now that I’m eventually still here, I’m even in a bigger Mardi-Gras excitement! :D