Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring in New Orleans

Until now, I asked myself why people are saying that it's raining a lot in New Orleans. Why would you complain about the weather in that city??! But the last 3 weeks have been crazy! A mixture of temperatures like in midsummer in Austria but more humid and rain. LOTS of rain. And the worst thunderstorms ever. Last week, in the middle of the night, there was a thunder I never heard before, it literally sounded like an explosion and the ground was shaking! I have to admit, Maria, Ale me were a little afraid so we all lied down in one bed. Then we had so many things to talk about in the middle of the night that we almost forgot to sleep again ;) I love my roommates!
But when it's not raining, it's really really nice!! Maria and me started tanning in our backyard, so maybe we can get a tiny little colour until summer...

it's so nice in Audobon park!

the only wearable rain-outfit: shorts and boots!
SUN!!! I adore you!

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