Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back in Austria!!

Finally I made it back to Austria on Wednesday. I wanted to update earlier but I had a really bad jetlag and was so exhausted the last days that I wasn't able to do a lot besides sleeping...
Saying goodbye to my friends, above all my roomates and of course the city, and well, I guess especially also the easy life as exchange student was pretty painful. I was so sad when I left the house with the cab that the poor taxi driver even offered to marry me so I could stay here. Haha obviously he was joking but he managed to build me up a lil bit ;) The journey was long, I took three different flights but time passed by pretty fast and everything worked out perfectly. Seeing my family again was so nice and I'm excited to see all my friends soon.

! I feel so blessed and I'm incredibly thankful that I got the chance to live in this awesome city of NEW ORLEANS which I’m totally in love with, for studying at the great university of TULANE, for meeting all those LOVELY PEOPLE, for all the AMAZING FRIENDS I made from all around the world, for the best ROOMIES I could have ever wished for, for all those crazy PARTY NIGHTS, for being able to visit all those great PLACES and CITIES (Miami, New York, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, San Diego, L.A, Newport Beach, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Malibu, San Francisco, Panama Beach/Florida) and for all the THINGS I LEARNED !

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