Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back in Austria!!

Finally I made it back to Austria on Wednesday. I wanted to update earlier but I had a really bad jetlag and was so exhausted the last days that I wasn't able to do a lot besides sleeping...
Saying goodbye to my friends, above all my roomates and of course the city, and well, I guess especially also the easy life as exchange student was pretty painful. I was so sad when I left the house with the cab that the poor taxi driver even offered to marry me so I could stay here. Haha obviously he was joking but he managed to build me up a lil bit ;) The journey was long, I took three different flights but time passed by pretty fast and everything worked out perfectly. Seeing my family again was so nice and I'm excited to see all my friends soon.

! I feel so blessed and I'm incredibly thankful that I got the chance to live in this awesome city of NEW ORLEANS which I’m totally in love with, for studying at the great university of TULANE, for meeting all those LOVELY PEOPLE, for all the AMAZING FRIENDS I made from all around the world, for the best ROOMIES I could have ever wished for, for all those crazy PARTY NIGHTS, for being able to visit all those great PLACES and CITIES (Miami, New York, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, San Diego, L.A, Newport Beach, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Malibu, San Francisco, Panama Beach/Florida) and for all the THINGS I LEARNED !

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mission Tulane accomplished

After having my last day at work Saturday, having my final exam in Spanish and my presentation for Environmental Management yesterday and handing in my final paper for French today (8 pages wuhuu) I AM DONE on Tulane University. I'm happy that I finished everything pretty successfully but at the same time I'm also really sad because I enjoyed studying here so much!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival

Sunday, I had the pleasure to visit the Jazzfest, a popular annual festival over two weekends that "celebrates the indigenous music and culture of New Orleans and Louisiana". But there's not only Jazz to see and listen to but also various different kinds of music like Latin, rock, country, blues etc. Most of of the acts are local but a couple are also nationally or internationally known. What's also really nice is the wide variety of vendors with local foods and crafts.

We got there around 1pm and first checked out the festival-area a little bit. We had lunch, chilled in the sun while listening to live jazz and sipping some daiquiries. Later we went to see Bruce Springsteen. It was a really nice day (we've been slightly disappointed though because Bruce didn't play the only song we really knew and were waiting for 2 and a half hours, Born in the USA... :) )


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Running is cheaper than therapy ;)

Since i've been here in New Orleans, i discovered a new passion: running. Lately I just love it, it frees my mind and gives me so much energy and strength. While running, I enjoy catching up the feeling of the city and taking a glimpse of all the nice houses here. Audobon park is also very good spot for a run.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring in New Orleans

Until now, I asked myself why people are saying that it's raining a lot in New Orleans. Why would you complain about the weather in that city??! But the last 3 weeks have been crazy! A mixture of temperatures like in midsummer in Austria but more humid and rain. LOTS of rain. And the worst thunderstorms ever. Last week, in the middle of the night, there was a thunder I never heard before, it literally sounded like an explosion and the ground was shaking! I have to admit, Maria, Ale me were a little afraid so we all lied down in one bed. Then we had so many things to talk about in the middle of the night that we almost forgot to sleep again ;) I love my roommates!
But when it's not raining, it's really really nice!! Maria and me started tanning in our backyard, so maybe we can get a tiny little colour until summer...

it's so nice in Audobon park!

the only wearable rain-outfit: shorts and boots!
SUN!!! I adore you!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Hey lovelies! Just came back from a great week at Panama City beach. It's a six hours drive from New Orleans. We rented two appartments just next to the beach. The first day, the weather was pretty shitty but it got nicer everyday ;) Let me show u some pictures!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Florida here we come!


I'm gonna spend the next week with a couple of friends on Panama City Beach! I can't wait :)

Have a good week !

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I survived Mardi Gras!

Hey lovelies!

Sorry for neglecting my blog lately. What can I say? Honestly, this was a more than crazy week! Mardi Gras was a marathon of parades, parties, little sleep and too much alcohol! It was absolutely impressing to see the city in an exceptional condition like this, with tons of excited people! 

“Mardi Gras was a marathon, and we ran it like Kenyans”

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mardi Gras is just around the corner!!!!

It's Mardi Gras time!!
Mardi Gras is THE biggest and most important event of the year in New Orleans. It's basically a huge carnival that reaches its climax on Fat Tuesday (Faschingsdienstag). 

During the 12 days preceding Mardi Gras, more than 60 parades and hundreds of private parties, dances and masked balls are annually scheduled. Fat Tuesday is a legal holiday in New Orleans. Everyone is wearing purple, green, and gold, those are the Mardi Gras Colors.  Mardi Gras is extremely important for NOLA’s economy: Economic impact reports indicate that Mardi Gras generates over $1 billion in annual spending. Mardi Gras parade krewes are private non-profit organizations whose members get together year round to plan their parade's theme, costumes, and unique throws.

When I told people last semester that I’m going to leave in January (before I knew that I could stay longer) everyone was like “ Noo you’re gonna miss Mardi Gras!” I couldn’t hear that sentence anymore! So now that I’m eventually still here, I’m even in a bigger Mardi-Gras excitement! :D

Monday, January 30, 2012

First Anniversary of my 21st birthday :)

Hey lovelies! I loved being 21 cause it seems like the perfect age haha but today I finally joined the 22-club and I'm glad to be able to report that it doesn't feel any different :) I had a jolly and a little bit crazy birthday party at my house yesterday. A lot of people came, wow, the house got pretty crowded! Let me show you some pictures!

Nicki (from Austria), me, Izzy (from Australia)
my lovely roomies did that for me!

with Santi (Columbia) and my roomies Alejandra (Mexico) and Maria (Spain)

Have a good start in the new week my loves!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New classes

Hey cuties!

Finally my schedule for this semester is set. After hoping the best for 2 weeks, I eventually got in all the classes I wanted. It's not so easy because usually exchange students are the last ones getting enrolled. So theoretically we can only choose from the free spots left. BUT luckily my supervisor and the professors are usually very helpful and trying the best to make everyone happy ;)

So these are my classes plus course desciptions:

Corporate and Cooperative Strategy: In this class, students integrate knowledge from the different functional areas and evaluate strategic decisions in a corporate context. This case-based course emphasizes the analysis of the drivers of value creation and value destruction in such corporate tools as mergers and acquisitions, alliances, and informal interorganizational networks. Students will learn to apply a set of tools that help them to make better corporate-level decisions addressing diversification, integration, and internal development issues facing modern multibusiness firms. The coursework includes a team project.

Environment, Society, and Capitalism: This course takes a strategic planning perspective to investigate environmental management issues in the context of assessing and responding to competitive and social forces. It examines a serious challenge to corporations competing in the global economy: How to maximize profitability and production in such a way that will allow the planet to support operations indefinitely. Emphasis will be on the company’s ability to use both traditional management concepts and new sustainability practices to build and sustain a competitive advantage. Students will learn how an enterprise can meet sustainability goals while still fulfilling its financial and market objectives.

French Society and Institutions: An introduction to French society and the institutions that shaped it. Using periodization to define particular historical movements such as the Gallo-Roman period, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Enlightenment, revolutionary France, and the Third Republic, the course focuses on historical and architectural sites in Paris and the provinces to consider issues of French identity. 

Introductory Spanish I: The overall goal of this course is developing proficiency in the 4 language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) essential to communicative language learning. The course uses a task-based approach which provides the learner with opportunities to use the language interactively. 

So far I cannot say a lot about my classes. For the Strategy class we have to read cases every week which we then discuss in class. I think it's going to be demanding but interesting. The french class seems a little dry but we are talking a lot and I guess it's really important for me because otherwise my french would get really rusty and I still need to take another tough french class at WU next semester. The spanish class is pretty intense (4 times a week) but so cool! Also we are only 12 students so i'm gonna improve really fast :) I can't credit this class though, so basically I'm taking it just for fun. But that's fine for me because it seems like a great opportunity, especially now that I'm living and hanging out with a lot of spanish speaking friends. Yeah and about the environmental class I can't really tell anything so far because I only had it once.

Also, I got a student job for 10 hours a week in the Computer lab. I basically have to take care of the printers and answer possible questions of other students. Not too hard and the good thing is, as long as I don't have anything to I'm allowed to study for my classes.

So far, hope everything is fine at home as well. Have a good one! XO

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New House

Hey lovelies!
As promised, I'm gonna show you some pictures of our new house. It came more or less unfurnished so we had to buy a couple of things this week. Fortunately, I didn't spend a lot though because I found the desk on the street :) and the bed was not too expensive. Here we go!

the entrance of our house

my room
my closet

Going out on Tuesday:

PS: This seems like a lucky week for me :)  Finally I think I will get in the classes I wanted to and I also got the hours I wanted for the job in the Computer lab. YEAH! I will tell you more about this soon.