Monday, January 2, 2012

News from L.A

Saturday, we visited the Universal Studios which is basically an amusement park but it gives you also a little inside in film making, including some classic sets and explanations about how special sound and visual effects are achieved. I really liked the Studio-Tour on which you see different filming locations, for example the Desperate Housewives one.

Desperate Housewives set

The New Years Eve we spent mostly in our hostel which is a really good one by the way (well with almost 40 bucks per night also the most expensive one I ever slept in…). We partied with a lot of young people from all around the world. That is the really great thing I love about hostels, there’s always a very nice international crowd and everyone is pretty laid-back and just loves traveling (and talking about it a lot :-) ). Shortly before midnight we went on the Hollywood Boulevard and crashed a Scientology-New Years Party (which we realized way too late…ooops! Haha). Fun night!

Sunday, we started pretty chilled into the New Year with a trip to the beach. We (or probably I…) chose to go to Redondo Beach because there are some filming locations of OC-California to visit. Since the boys were not in a condition to drive by noon, I put all my courage together and drove the car (hey imagine driving in L.A on a 8 track highway..!). Fortunately we arrived well and I was more than excited about having lunch in the OC-Diners!

Alex, Victor, Klaus & me

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